Corona 3000m Connecticut Race Walk

The Connecticut Racewalkers  (CTRW) decided it would be great to join in on the virtual races that the Talcotts and Pacific Association are hosting. Ron Daniel and Maryanne served as Judges, timers and cheerleaders. This was a great way to keep some motivation. The small group allowed them to participate safely while social distancing.
Clinton, CT Corona 3000m. May 16, 2020. 67degrees, windy
Tom Finn                CTRW Southington, CT   63   17:34
Stephanie Lyness  CTRW Guilford, CT     64        19:24
Ginger Palmer       CTRW Canterbury, CT   57      22:04
They are planning a 5000m on June 27 contact Maryanne Daniel: if you are interested

Keeping the social distance

Tom powering on
Steely eyed Judge- Ron Daniel
Maryanne the lone cheerleader
PR’s for all!